Combinaciones Little Alchemy

Little Alchemy

Hace unos dias publique el juego de Little Alchemy el cual se trataba de combinar elementos, pero como veo que esta medio complicado atinarle a algunas os traigo algunas combinaciones de little alchemy para que se apoyen no serán todas pero si son bastantes las que os dejare por aqui, espero que les sean de ayuda:

  1. water + Water = Sea
  2. Sea + water = ocean
  3. water + fire = steam
  4. water + earth = mud
  5. water + air = rain
  6. fire + earth = lava
  7. fire + air = energy
  8. fire + mud = brick
  9. steam + earth = geiser
  10. earth + air = dust
  11. earth + earth = pressure
  12. air + air = pressure
  13. fire + dust = gunpowder
  14. steam + air = cloud
  15. cloud + earth = fog
  16. cloud + air = sky
  17. sky + fire = sun
  18. sky + earth = horizon
  19. sun + sea = salt
  20. sun + rain = rainbow
  21. pressure + air = atmosphere, wind
  22. wind + sea = wave
  23. fire + gunpowder = explosion
  24. explosion + sky = fireworks
  25. earth + lava = volcano
  26. volcano + ocean = isle
  27. air + lave = stone
  28. stone + fire = metal
  29. stone + air = sand
  30. sand + fire = glass
  31. glass + water = aquarium
  32. glass + glass = glasses
  33. glass + plant = glasshouse
  34. metal + gunpowder = bullet
  35. metal + stone = blade
  36. metal + explosion = granade
  37. metal + coal = steel
  38. metal + blade = sword
  39. metal + bullet = gun
  40. metal + air = rust
  41. metal + steam = boiler
  42. metal + energy = electricity
  43. metal + electricity = wire
  44. energy + volcano = eruption, ash
  45. energy + explosion = atomic bomb
  46. energy + earth = earthquake
  47. earthquake + earth = mountain
  48. energy + cloud = storm
  49. electricity + glass = ligth bulb
  50. ligth bulb +electricity = light
  51. energy + wind = hurracaine
  52. rain + earth = plant
  53. plant + fire = tabacco
  54. plant + earth = grass
  55. plant + grass = garden
  56. plant + pressure = coal
  57. plant + sun = sunflower
  58. sunflower  + pressure = oil
  59. plant + water = algae
  60. plant + ocean = seaweed
  61. blade + grass = scythe
  62. scythe + grass =  hay
  63. earthquake + ocean = tsunami
  64. mud + plant = swamp
  65. swamp + energy = life
  66. life + water = plankton
  67. life + stone = egg
  68. life + earth = human
  69. life + sky = bird
  70. life + swamp = bacteria
  71. life + clay = golem
  72. sand + sand = desert
  73. sand + plant = cactus
  74. sand + mud = clay
  75. sand + glass= hourglass, time
  76. sand + water = beach
  77. sand + egg = turtle
  78. time + electricity = clock
  79. time + coal = diamont
  80. time + plant = tree
  81. time + sun = day
  82. time + rain = flood
  83. tree + tree = forest
  84. tree + fire = charcoal
  85. tree + isle = palm
  86. forest + life = wild animal
  87. wild animal + wire = snake
  88. tree + light bulb = christmast tree
  89. plant + plant = garden
  90. metal + bird = airplane
  91. rain + human = cold
  92. water +cold = ice
  93. rain + cold = snow
  94. ice + dessert = antartica
  95. ice + storm = hail
  96. ice + mountain = iceberg
  97. sun + tree = fruit
  98. fruit + time = alcohol
  99. fruit + tree = fruit tree
  100. dust + human = allergy
  101. bird + human = angel
  102. bird + water = duck
  103. bird + fire = phoenix
  104. blade + gun = bayonet
  105. snow + storm = blizzard
  106. human + blade = blood
  107. egg + water = hard roe
  108. egg + fire = omlette
  109. hard roe + time = fish
  110. fish + electricity = electric eel
  111. human + hard roe = caviar
  112. human + gun = corpse
  113. human + fire = fireman
  114. human + plant = farmer
  115. human + electricity = electrician
  116. human + brick = house
  117. human + house = family
  118. human + metal = tool
  119. human + glasses = nerd
  120. human + human = sex
  121. human + rain = sickness
  122. human + snow = snowman
  123. human + sword = warrior
  124. human + tool = engineer
  125. human + wild animal = dog
  126. sickness + ocean = seasickness
  127. life + farmer = livestock
  128. livestock + mud = pig
  129. livestock + grass = cow
  130. livestock + bird = chicken
  131. live stock + house = barn
  132. livestock + hay = horse
  133. electricity + corpse = frankestein
  134. life + corpse = zombie
  135. tool + boiler  = steam engine
  136. steam engine + metal = train
  137. sickness + house = hospital
  138. human + hospital = doctor
  139. bird + house = birdhouse
  140. tree + tool = wood
  141. wood + blade = axe
  142. wood + water = boat
  143. wood + tool = wheel
  144. wood + wheel = cart
  145. wood + fire = campfire
  146. wood + tabaco = pipe
  147. pipe + water = water pipe
  148. wood  + corpse = coffin
  149. wood + pressure = paper
  150. wood + wild animal = beaver
  151. wood + wind = flute
  152. paper + paper = newspaper
  153. earth + coffin = grave
  154. grave  + grave = grave yard
  155. grave + stone = gravestone
  156. wheel + wheel = bicycle
  157. wheel + metal = car
  158. earth + tool = field
  159. field + farmer = wheat
  160. wheat + stone = flour
  161. flour + water = dough
  162. dough + fire = bread
  163. dough + fruit = cookie
  164. bread + fire = toast
  165. tool  + sun = solar cell
  166. farmer + cow  = milk
  167. milk + time = cheese
  168. milk + ice = ice cream
  169. human + bicycle = cyclist
  170. tool + cow = meat
  171. meat + smook = ham
  172. cheese + bread = sandwich
  173. cheese + sky = moon
  174. moon + time = night
  175. swamp + egg = lizard
  176. human + axe = lumberjack
  177. lizard + time = dinosaur
  178. lizard + fire = dragon
  179. dragon +knight = Hero
  180. night + bird = owl
  181. human + moon = astronaut
  182. human + meat = butcher
  183. electricity + axe  = chainsaw
  184. rainbow + rainbow = doble rainbow
  185. night + sky = start
  186. steam engine + boat = steamboat
  187. rainbow+horse=unicorn
  188. alcohol+wheat=beer
  189. ocean+blood=shark
  190. mouse+bird=bat
  191. isle+tree=palm
  192. palm+fruit=coconut
  193. coconut+tool=coconut milk
  194. fruit+energy=sugar
  195. metal+life=robot
  196. dough+sugar=cookie
  197. bird+corpse=vulture
  198. human+boat=sailor
  199. mouse+tree=squirrel
  200. smoke+fog=smog
  201. clock+sun=sundial
  202. mountain+water=river
  203. human+bread=baker
  204. clay+fire=pottery
  205. cheese+dough=pizza
  206. wind+energy=hurricane
  207. corpse+time=bone
  208. paper+pencil=letter
  209. human+campfire=story

Si tienes algunas que no mencionamos hazla saber por medio de los comentarios, asi todos podremos completar nuestros elementos y terminar el juego mas rapido.

Así que ya saben no olviden enviar sus combinaciones de little alchemy.

  1. João Pedro Birocale Silva
    João Pedro Birocale Silva
    abril 9, 2015 at 4:53 pm

    snake+ human=medusa

  2. caro
    julio 10, 2015 at 10:37 pm

    human + flute = music
    time + bread = mold
    paper + wood = book
    plant + stone = moss
    human + beer = drunk
    lizard + swamp = alligator
    plant + cloud = cotton
    cotton + tool = thread
    thread + tool = fabric
    volcano + energy = ash
    electricity + oxygen = ozone
    Fire + dust = gunpowder
    gunpowder + metal = bullet
    metal + bullet = gun
    bird + earth = ostrich
    sand + plant = cactus
    cactus + sand = desert
    desert + water = oasis
    lava + pressure = granite
    sand + energy = sandstorm
    volcano + energy = eruption
    ocean + sand = beach
    beach + wind = dune
    swamp + life = bacteria
    glass + bacteria = microscope
    gunpowder + fire = explosion
    explosion + metal = granade
    glass + sky = telescope
    day + night = twilight
    human + oxygen = carbon dioxide
    ocean + wind = wave
    human + wave = surfer
    wave + air = sound
    air + cloud = sky
    sky + earth = horizon

    • natalia
      septiembre 6, 2015 at 5:44 am

      carbón dioxide + metal = fire extinger non me sale

  3. caro
    julio 10, 2015 at 11:02 pm

    human + cow = minotaur
    human + horse = centaur
    wild animal + pig = wild boar
    wild animal + dog = wolf
    human + wolf = werewolf
    tobacco + paper = cigarette
    thread + thread = rope
    paper + music = sheet music
    human + light bulb = idea
    buach + light = lighthouse
    carbon dioxide + metal = fire extinguisher

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